The Blade Runner story line follows the same plot as other stories/movies such as; District 9 and I, Robot. Blade Runner takes place in 1992 or as in other versions in 2021 after a nuclear world war Terminus. As a background to the story, the UN advised everyone to leave earth and move to other planets in order to preserve the human race. Once they've emigrated to off-world colonies, they were provided with what they call "andy's" or androids to act as their servants.
I, Robot is similar to Blade Runner because robots are used and public and personal servants. Later detective Del Spooner uncovers a coup d'etat secretly unraveling under the government's thumb and takes it upon himself to "retire" the robots. But unlike in Blade Runner, Spooner has help from an unexpected ally, a robot named Sunny, who was different from the rest; he was more human-like.
District 9 takes place in 2010 where an alien race "the Prawns" who had been kept in a South African base called District 9. After years of cohabitation, the Multi-National United is contracted to forcibly remove the Prawns from the base. Just like in Blade Runner, Deckard was tasked to "retire" the humanoids. But for him it's a moral dilemma.
I love how this book can be related to many different types of entertainments out there.