Saturday 30 May 2015

Christina: Journal Entry #1

Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep, written by Philip K. Dick has a creepy yet intriguing vibe. It accelerates the present mind into the future with situations that have potential of occurring. As technology and our knowledge expand, we begin to experiment more. This idea of making humanoids isn't news. In Japan, this is an attractive phenomenon. In fact, very much like the book, the humanoid is unrecognizable and is conceived as nothing else but an ordinary human. Could this be a benefit to the world or a formidable anguish? Will we be able to control our magnificent creation or will it run us? Many movies have illustrated Earth's future state and how the human population will live. Popular movies include 2012, WALL-E, and The Day After Tomorrow. WALL-E, in particular, highlights how humans became dependent on the robots and technology to serve their needs. I'm not sure if I want a humanoid who is most likely programmed with an unimaginable high IQ to serve me. Actually I'm sure, I don't want a humanoid. The links below are about how Japan is playing the strings of the book and making what Philip's imagination took him. 


  1. I like how you related the humanoid experiment to a real life situation, using the Japan humanoids to help us understand the novel.

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  2. I didn't understand at first why you were linking this book to movies like The Day After Tomorrow (my favourite movie, by the way) and 2012, I figured you were trying to comment on the androids and robots, but now I understand that you're linking to the whole natural disaster thing (although I think in the book the earth was destroyed in a war). I like the way you linked everything haha!

  3. Yes, it was destroyed by the World War Terminus.

  4. Very insightful! I loved how you connected the story to situations that are ongoing as we speak.

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